Project: 2016-1-HR01-KA203-022180

Report of the of the Kick-off meeting (Transnational project meeting) EINFOSE (European Information Science Education: encouraging mobility and learning outcomes harmonization) project team

The Kick-off meeting was held in Osijek on November 4 and 5, 2016 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences.

Present: Tatjana Aparac Jelušić, Kornelija Petr Balog, Sanjica Faletar Tanacković, Maja Krtalić, Boris Bosančić, Boris Badurina (Croatia), Thomas Mandl (Germany), Christian Schlögl (Austria), Serap Kurbanoglu (Turkey), Maja Žumer (Slovenia), Salvatore Ruggieri (Italy), Miquel Centelles (Spain), Alen Doračić (Sweden)

After official opening of the meeting on Friday morning greetings were given by the project leader, T. Aparac Jelušić who welcomed the participants and Vice-Dean for Research and International Cooperation, Tanja Gradečak-Erdeljić who briefly presented the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences with a slant to Research and EU Projects and pointed out the importance of the EINFOSE project for the Faculty.
After the adoption of the Agenda by all representatives of partner institutions, Reports on previous activities were given. K. Petr Balog reported on the 1st workshop organized by the AMPEU she participated in Zagreb and pointed out the importance of transparency and keeping detailed documentation on project work. T. Aparac Jelušić reported on the second workshop on project management and pointed out the need for dissemination plan, risk plan and marketing plan to be designed and approved. She also informed that EINFOSE project was presented at ASIST/ALISE workshop on LIS accreditation program that she and M. Žumer attended, at the meeting of the ASIST Committee on Education and ASIST European Chapter meeting during the ASIST Conference in Copenhagen (attended by over 600 participants).

B. Badurina gave an overview of the project website ( Discussion about Project’s plan, time table and other plans (sustainability, risk management, dissemination and use of the project results) showed that there were still some unclear issues (for example, multiplier events, high living expenses in certain partner countries, mode of documenting all activities connected to intellectual outputs).

In order to cut expenses, which are very high in some countries and to adjust to different timing of the semesters, it was concluded that transnational meetings should be connected  with multiplier events/workshops. Thus, all PMT members agreed to seek the most feasible period of time for both, transnational meetings and multiplier events, having in mind the teaching tasks of all project members in their institutions.
There was a discussion on where to put the project platform. B. Bosančić suggested to use infrastructure provided by SRCE (The University Computing Centre in Croatia). T. Aparac Jelušić and B. Bosančić will meet with the director of SRCE to discuss further procedures. Since all of the participants work with Moodle system, except Boras, Moodle was suggested  as a good choice for the learning platform.
Revised version of the Project plan will be distributed and discussed, and it will include all suggestions that were approved during the Kick-off meeting.
During the second session the issue of the Coordinator's agreements with all partners took place. T. Aparac Jelušić pointed out that the Contract between AMPEU and University of Osijek was prepared in Croatian language and signed by the Director of the AMPEU and rector of the University of.

Project participants went through the content of the draft of the partnership agreements that will be signed with each partner.
At the Press Conference (local and national media) several members of the Project management Team (PMT) (T. Aparac Jelušić, K. Petr Balog, M. Žumer, T. Mandl and S. Kurbanoglu) informed about the EINFOSE project aims and their particular positions/responsibilities and experience at the press conference. Local television, radio and newspapers (Osječka TV, Gradski radio and Glas Slavonije) attended the Press conference which was facilitated by the journalist Saša Drinić.
Discussion and approval of the project’s tasks and responsibilities covered several issues such as, translation, distribution of money, organisation of summer schools, learning/teaching platform, courses to be taught, and workload distribution.
Preparations for the Multiplier events (first, in April 2017 in Osijek and second, in June 2017 in Barcelona) were on the agenda next day and covered issues such as whom to invite, dates  to decide upon.
Dates for all events were approved: Osijek, 21 and 22 April 2017; Barcelona 30 June and 1 July 2017. Move Ankara to Boras and have the transnational meeting and workshop in Boras, date: 20-21 October 2017; Hildesheim, 27 August–1 September 2017 summer school and transnational meeting before that; combine Ljubljana workshop and Graz transnational meeting in Ljubljana in April 2018; Pisa conference to be held on 10–11 September 2018. Second summer school in Graz will be held first week in July, 2018.
Speakers from ASIST, ALA, CILIP etc. should be invited to present at Pisa final conference Also, during the morning session on Saturday, discussion and necessary adaptations of the financial issues were held as well as preparations for the first summer school in Hildesheim.
There was a detailed discussion on the organisation and the structure of the first summer school in Hildesheim, 27.8. –1.9.2017. Following issues were agreed upon:

    • Candidates are potential students from our universities, from disciplines other than Information science. Each partner should nominate 3 (+1 on reserve) students at final undergraduate year or who just graduated. The lists with student names should be prepared for Osijek workshop when the final election of candidates will take place. There is a question on how to attract special needs and immigrant students.
    • Students are reimbursed up to the 275E – funds are movable, we have a lump sum for this and we divide it between all students. Accommodation and food is covered. Hannover is the closest airport, from Berlin there is a two-hour train.
    • Deadline for marketing material is in two weeks. T. Mandl will prepare the draft and upload on Google docs for comments.
    • Deadline for applications for first summer school is 15th March 2017.
    • Promotional video will be provided as well as the certificate for attendants.
    • Starts on 27. August 2017. Throughout May-July elected students will be given one article per month to read.
    • Formal issues regarding enrolment possibilities should be identified and investigated by each participant. The main question is how to formally manage that students who attended summers schools get accepted to master program/s.

Before the closing of the event, it was concluded to establish Erasmus partnerships with all partnering institutions. K. Petr Balog will initiate this (including teacher and student exchange at undergraduate and graduate level) on Osijek side.

Minutes of the meeting taken by: S. Faletar Tanacković and M. Krtalić, approved by  the  PMT .


Agencija zs mobilnosti i programe EU
Filozofski fakultet Osijek


  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Jägerova 9, 31000 Osijek

This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This publication [communication] reflect the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.